Intellectual property is your company’s most valuable asset and essential to your company’s growth.
Our service includes filing and prosecuting patent, design, and trademark applications.
We are confident that our commitment can help you greatly in the field of intellectual property.
Please feel free to contact us.
Yoichiro Kamimura
Patent Attorney
Yoichio Kamimura worked for a prestige patent office.
He now handles prosecutions in the fields of organic chemistry, including organic synthesis, polymer; inorganic chemistry such as glass, catalysts, ceramics; IT; structure; designs: and trademarks.
He also provides consultations related to intellectual property that meet clients’ need.
He gives lectures on the patent for aspiring engineers at Graduate School, Chiba University.
He takes on the position of chairman of Chiba committee of the Japan Patent Attorneys Association.

Step1-1 ・・・ Professional basic fee USD1,000
Translation fee USD0.1/1 English word (Reduction may be applied in case of using machine translation.)
Government fee approx.USD100(JPY14,000)
Step1-2 ・・・ Professional basic fee USD1,200
Translation fee USD0.1/1 English word (Reduction may be applied in case of using machine translation.)
Step 2 ・・・・Fee USD100
Government fee differs depending on the number of claims.
Step 3・・・・Professional basic fee for reporting USD70~USD150
Translation fee USD 0.1/1 English word
Professional fee for providing comments Time charge
Step 4・・・・Professional fee for response USD500~USD1,500(English claims attached when reporting)
Step 5・・・・No additional charge for reporting
Step 6・・・・Professional Fee USD500
Government fee differs depending on the number of claims.
Step 7・・・・No additional charge for reporting
Translation Fee (if necessary) USD0.1/1 English word
Step 8・・・・Professional fee for Appeal USD1,000~USD3,000(English claims attached when reporting)
Government fee differs depending on the number of claims.
Step 9・・・・No additional charge for reporting
Translation Fee (if necessary) USD0.1/1 English word